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Cat Dermatology

This collection of Cat Dermatology articles has been curated for you by 4 Paws Veterinary Care. If you would like to talk to a veterinarian, please give us a call at 518-300-4279.

Four Types of Feline Allergies

Did you know that cats, even those who stay indoors, can suffer from allergies? Signs of allergies in cats can be similar to common signs in dogs, including itchy, inflamed skin. You may recognize signs that are a lot like your own, too, such as sneezing or nasal discharge.

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Does Your Cat Have a Skin Condition?

How do you know if your cat has a skin condition? Well, two common symptoms are massive hair loss and scratching like she’s entered herself in a World Scratch-a-thon and is determined to win.

There are other symptoms too, depending on this issue and we’ll look at those in a minute.

But first, you might ask yourself, what could trigger an all out Scratch-a-thon in my cat and your answer could be fleas. Food Allergies. Even cancer could drive your cat to the brink of compulsive chewing, biting, and scratching.

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A Natural Approach to Skin Allergies

Skin disease is frustrating no matter which system of medicine is used to treat it. It almost always requires a multimodal approach, meaning it needs to be attacked from several different angles. This is especially true when pet owners want to keep long-term medication to a minimum.

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