Mon: 8-5
Tues: 8-12 and 2-6
Wed: 8-12 and 2-5
Thurs: 8-12 and 2-6,
Fri: 8-3, Sat: Closed, Sun: Closed


A Natural Approach to Skin Allergies

Skin disease is frustrating no matter which system of medicine is used to treat it. It almost always requires a multimodal approach, meaning it needs to be attacked from several different angles. This is especially true when pet owners want to keep long-term medication to a minimum.

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Bringing Home Puppy: What's Next?

There are fewer things in life sweeter than a new puppy. The soft fur, big paws and sweet breath…there’s nothing better!

But what do you do after you’ve picked out the name, purchased the supplies, puppy-proofed the house and brought home your bundle of joy? In honor of National Puppy Day on March 23, we’ve compiled a health care guide just for new puppies and the parents who love them.

Preventative Care

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What is periodontal disease?

Have you taken a look inside your pet’s mouth lately? If not, you could be missing some serious clues into Fluffy or Fido’s well-being.

Periodontal disease affects nearly 85 percent of all cats and dogs over three years of age. In addition to association with liver, kidney and heart disorders, this disease is a frequent source of pain and often leads to poor general health. 

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Top 5 Reasons to Consider a Professional Pet Dental Cleaning

Did you know that dental disease affects nearly 85 percent of dogs and cats over three years of age? Imagine the equivalent—a human not brushing his/her teeth for 20 years—and you can easily understand why! Fortunately, dental disease is a treatable and preventable problem in most pets.

Need an additional incentive or two to make an appointment for your pet? Here are five great reasons to consider a professional dental cleaning:

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Four Fixes for Feline Behavior Issues

Would you know if your cat was stressed?

Due to their seemingly lazy demeanor, the idea of a stressed cat may seem unlikely or even absurd to many pet owners. But if your cat is demonstrating behaviors such as inappropriate elimination, aggression or excessive grooming, stress is likely to be a contributing factor.

In addition, stress can lead to a number of chronic medical conditions, such as Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD).

Where does stress come from?

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Top 12 Reasons to Spay or Neuter

And remember folks, always spay or neuter your pets! 

-Bob Barker

When you consider spaying or neutering your dog or cat, your top priority is preventing unwanted litters. Controlling the pet population is extremely important; however, did you know that there are other benefits when you spay or neuter? We sniffed out the top reasons why you should spay or neuter your dog or cat! 

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