Mon: 8-5
Tues: 8-12 and 2-6
Wed: 8-12 and 2-5
Thurs: 8-12 and 2-6,
Fri: 8-3, Sat: Closed, Sun: Closed


CBD Oil for Dogs: Is It Safe and Effective?

There is quite a bit of buzz about the therapeutic use of CBD (or cannabidiol) products for pets these days. With the rise of marijuana derivative products for humans, a slew of pet products has since exploded onto the market - but are they safe and effective? Let's look at the current state of this controversial topic for pet owners.

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Integrative New Year's Resolutions for You and Your Pet

Most personal New Year’s resolutions are centered on health and relationships. You may promise yourself that you'll work out regularly, eat healthier or call your family more often. But what if you broadened your resolutions to include your pets? What would that look like? Could you find resolutions that would truly benefit both you AND your pets?

These resolutions are integrative in nature as they address various aspects of the pet’s well-being, such as diet, exercise and social and emotional needs.

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Share This....Not That!

What You Can't See Could Harm You

Pets share so much with us every day! We love it when they share an excited welcome home, a listening ear, a cuddly nap, a warm kiss, and all of their love and loyalty.  They can also share with us things better left not shared. 

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Diagnosing and Treating Your Pet Alone: The Dangers of the Internet

The internet is an amazing resource, one that has completely transformed our lives. It answers an infinite amount of questions for us, as the press of a button, anywhere we are at anytime.

The problem is, maybe we have too many answers, and from some unreliable sources to boot. If you were to Google “sick pet symptoms”, you would have 1.36 million results at your fingertips in 0.67 seconds. So where do you even begin?

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